Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tips to getting your first job in Odesk

Tips for Getting a Job in Odesk

Hi again to all online job seekers out there! Odesk could start giving you huge payouts in the long run, but if you're just starting, getting $5 pay is standard. Don't get discouraged by this, it's like, you're investing time and effort to get your big pay check someday. Here are a few tips to getting that first job.

  1. Take all those tests!    Believe it or not, employers look at these things. They are proof of your skills. And in Odesk, taking a test is free, so why not take advantage of it? Take the English tests and try to be in the top 10% of test takers. It matters.
  2. Fill up your profile. Post a profile picture. Summarize your skills in the 'overview' portion. Say something interesting about yourself. Post a file in the portfolio section. Fill up your profile!!! To illustrate the importance of a sassy profile - I cite me as an example. From my profile alone, I get offers from employers (so I didn't have to apply for some of my jobs - it's the employers who came to me). Be generous with your time in making your profile informative and interesting. It will pay in the long run.
  3. Look for jobs that say: 'newbies welcome'. They pay a pittance! Usually $5, but such employers give 5-star reviews, which is what you need for other, future employers to consider you. Choose the category where you want to get the most jobs in. Say, if you want to be a transcriber, then apply to transcriber jobs which welcome newbies.
  4. Don't be impatient. Odesk jobs pay small at first, but once you've been in Odesk for as long as I have (2 years), the big jobs would come to you. Be patient, ok? It's worth it!
Well, I have to go back to my Odesk job. Good luck!

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